Friday, July 28, 2006

What can we say? Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Lord!...and all of our friends and family for the many prayers that are being answered. Today we told Daddy about Johnnys plane crash. Daddy handled it very well considering the total shock...all Daddy could say was "My boy, my boy, I need to be with him." Daddy's doctor said we can bring him home tomorrow so he can get some "good food"! It will be so good to have him back home!
We are going to have Daddy talk to Johnny at 5pm today via cell phone and we think that will be good for both of them. This way they will know how the other is doing.

Keep the prayers going!

love from the Birmingham gang,
Betty, Sandra and Alicia


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Fayard family

My thought's and prayer's are with your family. My name is Linda my mother "Wanda" and I worked for Robert Paulk myself 15 years my mother 18 year's.
My mother and I are happy that Mr. Fayard is doing better. My mother "Wanda " and I "Linda " are very worried about Robert Paulk could you please tell us something on his condition please?

are send me a link if his family has one up please

Thank you
My pray's are with your family
and miracle's do happen ô¿ô
Linda and Wanda


1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Lisa Redmond. I am the oldest daughter of one of the pilots-Bill Eisner.I am so thankful to hear that Mr Fayard is doing better.Our prayers are that both he and Mr Paulk make complete recoveries.Thank you Alicia for letting me know of this blog-site;I hope I am not intruding. Our family has strong faith and believe that God knows what is best but at a time like this we still ask why??...My Dad had been a pilot for 35 years,he was a meticulous man that should have retired this year but his love of flying kept him in the air. Why?? My family thanks yours and Mr.Paulk's for the beautiful arrangment sent to Dad's memorial service. Our hearts are broken but they will heal, with God's help and the prayer and support of our friends and family. We will continue to pray for Mr. Fayard and Mr. Paulk and your families. As we pray for strength for our family and Mr. Lewis'. And still I ask why... that is a question I hope someday will be answered or maybe it is not for me to know..I am enclosing my e-mail if you would like to contact me but please do not give this out...Our tragedy does not need to be anyone else's entertainment. My e-mail is God Bless and Thank you.

9:23 PM  

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